A reassuring message for those of us who have read and written all out lives and suddenly find out we're all alone.

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We're definitely not alone!

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I write code and analyze data every day but writing and communication is vitally important. I have to be able to explain my results. Those who can’t communicate well suffer in the context of data analytics. Currently writing my first novel, so wish I had taken advantage of those writing classes in college. I have found writing is therapeutic. Just my thoughts.

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I've been an aspiring writer for around three years now and one's ability to keep consistent is directly tied into a writer's love for all types of literature. Daily reading, close reading experiencing each sentence, critiquing so as to take apart and study each and every aspect of the literature.

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AI may be able to put words and sentences together so they sound human, but AI will never be able to imitate creativity because by definition, creativity has never been seen before. We don’t need to fear AI if we are doing our job as humans and breaking new ground every day.

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I've been writing, publishing, and putting stuff out there for 40 years. The writing world has always been a hard area to break into. I've written 5 books-a novel, 2 short story collections, and 3 books of poetry. I publish pieces here because my sole goal in writing is to be read. That is all.

Please subscribe and receive an original poem every morning. I look forward to reading more of your pieces.

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I greatly admire the immense show of devotion towards the artistic endeavor of prose, A.K.A. writing. Essays are my main area of interest for now. I'm an aspiring writer as well and I'm choosing essays mainly due to the fact that their short and blisteringly powerful, soulful as well. I must learn to walk before I ............bla-bla-bla. I'd rather have enough experience to blast-out some intensely information saturated, grandiose articles for an amazing publication such as The New Yorker, which I've developed a passion for. My dream form of employment, of course would be a staff-writer for the latter publication. My motivation comes as well takes bouts of abandonment, at times seemingly departs in an exodus, bringing forth a sinister emotion such as feeling loss of skill, passion for craft.....etc. That's a battle I've yet to master and dispense with. Although I'm quite capable of casting aside this short term retreating of wonderment of the craft of writing. I'll advance my theory of "how to" manifest one's skills as a writer to the highest levels possible, mimicry, copy your major influences writing voice, until you've created enough personal skills that your own fiercely original powers of articulation come bursting through! I'll, personally never give up my passion for this artistic endeavor! I'll keep punching these keys until I've mastered the craft of prose styling, as well keep reading the greats of antiquity. Forever seeking out the new breed of masters. I've been beset by Charles Dickens as of late, his powers of craft are outstanding! Bleak House has been my "go to" Literature of late. Thanks for your time, and as always keep punching those keys, keep writing with passion and emotional beauty, watching through the lens of a tenacious wanting as your dreams will no longer be "dreams", a reality of getting paid for your work is right behind you, you've just got to keep pushing forwards!

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Thanks for your kind words and reflection!

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Yes!! The creatives versus AI

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