Happy chrismukah!

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Happy Hanukkah!

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Chag same’ach! I hope you and your loved ones have eight wonder-filled nights of love and light.

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Very interesting essay linked to this article. I love hearing people's stories.

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How sweet! My wife is a Soviet emigre (from Tashkent of the Save Soviet Jewry era) and, while they were not allowed to leave the country with any pictures when they fled, she and her Mom still get a twinkle in their eyes when remembering this odd tradition. One of the few things my wife remembers from the Soviet Union with a smile. Happy Chanukah and new year!

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С наступающим, Лиза! 🎄

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Thanks Liza! Speaking as a fallen-away Catholic, your description is not too far off! But I learned long ago not to give anything remotely kitchen-oriented to my wife 🤔🤪 I feel like she already has LOTS of earrings, but she never complains when I give her more 😉🤣

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Not religious, but the audacity and hypocrisy that people worldwide who claim to be religious, or belief in Jesus, or even claim to be descent human beings full of love and respect, are celebrating Xmas while Palestinians are being massacred, butchered into ground beef—and in the “Holy Land” nonetheless 🤦🏻‍♂️ Our western societies are tainted in genocide. And America is the shit storm at the helm.

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Merry Christmas, and Happy Chanukah!

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Grew up protestant, and found out that my maternal prababushka was jewish as an adult. This information explained a lot. Got in touch with the jewish community in a nearby city and am going to attend a Chanukah Shabbat. Very curious about the culture, and I've been working to create community for many years now, but thats a whole other story.

Are you eating Chinese today? Maybe thats just a Jewish tradition in this area? Best day of the year for nicer Chinese restaurants.

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