Happy New Year! You'll get that agent . . . apply, apply, apply . . .

Looking forward to your next essay!

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Happy new year to you as well, enjoy your company and if you get your agent , I will likely become a paid subscriber

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Why wait until I get an agent? Genuinely curious. If anything, I will need paid subscribers less if I get an agent...

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Just keep querying if the current dirty dozen agents decline to rep you. An acquaintance got an agent and a deal only after 60 queries. No one would publish Chuck Palahniuks first novel, Invisible Monsters, so he wrote Fight Club out of spite. Further proof that they're clueless, and spite works. Anger is an A+ motivator.

Also, I've heard/read that networking to get in touch with agents is much more effective than cold queries.

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What do you think I have been doing on here? 👀

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It'll work. Probably cause a bidding war.

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